Rainbow Magic Fanart Wiki
Fan Art!
This article is fanart! This means that it was created by fans of Rainbow Magic and it is not officially part of the series.

Lala the Baby Fairy
Gender ♀ Female
Series the Little Ones Fairies
Magical Item(s) / Animal(s) baby doll
Symbol(s) pink diamonds


Lala has short black hair cut into a bob. She wears a gray dress with a pink diamond on it. Her wings are round and pink tinted.


Job: making sure that babies older than 1 month are easy to take care of and that all babies have fun in their first years.

Symbol: pink diamonds

Magical object: baby doll


  • She is the third fairy of The Little Ones Fairies
  • She is sisters with Keisha the newborn fairy
  • The name Emilia was already used for The Cookie dough Fairy. so her name is changed to "Lala the Baby Fairy".

Made by Fairyface
