Rainbow Magic Fanart Wiki
Fan Art!
This article is fanart! This means that it was created by fans of Rainbow Magic and it is not officially part of the series.

Lauretta the Ladybug Fairy is the seventh and last fairy in The Insect Fairies.


Lauretta, Seventh and Last of the Insect Fairies


Lauretta has light skin and long red hair and a ladybug clip in her hair. She wears a red dress with black polka dots, black leggings, white socks, red maryjanes and a ladybug pendant and her wings are red tinted.

Symbol: Ladybugs.

Magic Object/Job:

Job: Looking after the ladybugs.

Magic Object: A ladybug.


  • She has the same wings as Maddie the Playtime Fairy
  • She has the same hair color as Stephanie the Starfish Fairy