Rainbow Magic Fanart Wiki

Welcome to Rainbow Magic Fanart wiki! do you like being here to edit? I'm Megan Maylor and I'm here on this page for a important news. you guys must follow these Rules such as diffrent comments.


Rule number 1: you can upload as many pictures as you want. but your fairy art can only be on there.

Rule number 2: Please be polite on this wiki because we don't want anything to be mixed up on this wiki.

Rule number 3: you can only earn badges by leaving comments. editing pages and adding photos.

Rule number 4: Offical fairies are not allowed on this wiki.

Rule number 5: Have fun on this wiki!

Comments Rules:

Rule number 1: you can add photos to your comment. you can also name it in many diffrent names.

Rule number 2: Leave good messages on this wiki. then you'll be lucky!

Rule number 3: You can create your comments with hearts and smiley (sad) faces like these Smiley (sad) faces:

:) :( :P :D :0 :I are they cute?

Rule number 4: if you put a animal photo on your comment. that will make your comment look cute!

Edit pages Rules:

Rule number 1: if there's a mistake or something is missing. don't be shy. just edit it to normal!

Rule number 2: you must do something that the wiki friends didn't do before.


1: If you send a nasty comment to a page. you have to change it to a good comment.

2: if you are leaving message on someone else's Message wall. you can do Messages. for example:

Hello. Coolstar1998. I'm Miss-Trina-mouse.

Hi! I'm Miss-Trina-Mouse. and Thank you for your edit to Bernice the Beauty Mask Fairy!

you've earn lots of Badges. and I earn "In your Element" badge two times! did you earn any badges?

Enjoy your time at Rainbow Magic Fanart wiki!

See also:

How to earn Badges
